Larry Graham named among IAM 250 World’s Leading Patent Litigators
May 10, 2011 | Firm NewsIntellectual Asset Management has released its listing of the world’s leading patent litigators for 2011. Lowe Graham Jones (formerly Black Lowe & Graham) is pleased to announce that it is one of only three Washington law firms included in the listing, and that Larry Graham is one of only six individuals from Washington named on the list.
The IAM Patent Litigation 250 listing is the most detailed publication on leading patent litigators ever produced. As IAM explains, “Covering all of the world’s major patent litigation jurisdictions, and based on hundreds of interviews conducted with private practice and in-house lawyers, the guide reveals which lawyers are considered by their peers to be among the elite in the countries in which they operate: the litigators whom clients turn to when the stakes are high and securing the right decision is crucial.”
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