U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Further Extends Deadlines
May 30, 2020 | Intellectual Property News, Legal NewsThe USPTO has further extended the time to file certain patent-related documents and to pay certain required fees pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the CARES Act). Specifically, for small and micro entities, filings that would have been deemed timely filed, if filed by June 1, 2020 pursuant to the CARES Act Notice dated April 28, 2020, will now be deemed timely filed if filed by July 1, 2020. For large entities, after May 31, 2020, relief will be available to those who need it on a case-by-case basis. Such requests can be submitted through a petition for an extension of time or a petition to revive. Details are available on the USPTO website. Please contact us with any questions.